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Gold leaching with alkaline thiourea

time:2018-09-21 Number of clicks: second
  Alkaline thiourea process is thiourea leaching method under alkaline conditions.

  1. Principle: thiourea forms a cationic complex with gold under the presence of alkaline and oxidizing agents. The main electrochemical reactions are:

  2 (NH2) 2CS + 2OH-- 2E = (N2H3CS) 2 + 2H2O Au + (NH2) 2CS e = Au[(E)

  (N2H3CS) 2 + 2H2O + 2E = 2 (NH2) 2CS + 2OH- Au[(NH2) 2CS]+ + (NH2) = = 2CS (2CS]+)

  The total reaction is Au + 2 (NH2) 2CS = Au[(NH2) 2CS]2+ +e

  2, advantages: alkaline thiourea method has selectivity for gold dissolution; alkaline thiourea method can be used in combination with cyanidation.

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