Microbial agents (colon plant lactobacillus)
- 0734-8809498
- 15343043098
Main technical indicators: active bacterium number 200 million/ml or more effectively.
Ingredients: plant lactobacillus, chitosan, sugar, glucose, phytase, superoxide dismutase (sod), jelly bacillus derivative etc
Product synopsis:
This product is a new kind of probiotics, the plant lactobacillus strains containing three special functional genes, and the structure of the domain in which three genes had been protein gene encoding together can restrain verticillium wilt, root rot pathogen spores germination, dissolve the sclerotium, so as to achieve crop soil borne diseases prevention and control of the pathogen. Plant lactobacillus are rich in double toki factor, art prevent premature aging effect is outstanding, is a kind of multifunctional microbial agents.
Function characteristics:
1, adjust the life activities, increase production. Beneficial microbial flora metabolism of endogenous enzymes and phytase through the roots into the plant body, promote the leaf photosynthesis, adjust the transport of nutrients to the fruit, swelling obvious effects to increase production. Compared with chemical fertilizers, under the condition of the equivalent input could increase by 15% to 30%.
2, the fruit quality has improved significantly. Plant lactobacillus can reduce the nitrate content in plants by more than 20%, can reduce the heavy metal content, can make the VC content in fruit increased by more than 30%, soluble sugar increased 2-4 degrees. Can increase the fruit of essential amino acid (lysine and methionine), vitamin B group, and the content of unsaturated fatty acids, etc. The fruit taste good, resistant storage, high price.
3, continuous cropping, eliminate soil diseases. Highly active lactobacillus plants on the basis of the characteristics of its own growth strong nutrition of pathogenic bacteria, and extrusion, invasion of pathogenic bacteria growth space at the same time, make the pathogenic bacteria group gradually thinning, until they die. To eliminate the soil for LianZhong caused by continuous cropping soil bacteria accumulate, set up soil environment beneficial flora, inhibition of bacteria of planting, breeding again. Controlling soil-borne disease resistance to continuous cropping and effectively.
4, Protecting the young plants,seedling and root growth. Plant metabolic product of lactobacillus are rich in growth promoting factor, can stimulate the crop growth, strong to take root, promote the absorption of nutrients. Microbes in the process of growth, itself can produce a certain quantity of heat, use can increase the ground temperature in winter, help crops resistance to low temperature.
5,Biological control, soil improvement. Plant lactobacillus metabolic enzymes and materials such as organic acids, can break down, releasing fertilizer, and fixed in the soil nutrient elements, easily absorbed ions into crops. Microbial growth and metabolism of viscous substances can promote the formation of soil aggregate, alleviate soil harden.
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